Dana Point COVID-19 Community Update May 15
City:Doheny State Beach will open 50% of their parking area tomorrow with some restrooms open and available to the public. Consistent with other beach management agencies in the area, park and beach usage is limited to active recreation only. The State Park campground remains closed at this time, and all camping reservations have been cancelled through May 25th. Additionally, the park’s operating hours have changed to 6:00am to 8:30pm (instead of 10:00pm) until further notice to promote active recreation and discourage groups from congregating.
Additional parking restrictions have been removed, including the lots at Puerto Place. Please see the updates below.
Capo Beach Church will host a Drive-Thru Food Donation & Distribution event this Saturday from 9:00am – 11:00am in the church parking lot. If you are driving through to donate food, please remain in your car and have your donations clearly marked in your trunk. If you are driving through to receive food, please stay in your vehicle and one of their volunteers will deliver the food to you. More information can be found here.
All beaches in the City are currently open for active use. For updated information on beach hours, active use provisions and beach parking in Dana Point, please click here.The Dana Point Chamber has created a “Back in Business” toolkit. The purpose of the Toolkit is to help business owners get the information they need to safely and proactively prepare for reopening, and provide recommendations to put them on the best path to success. The Toolkit contains printable posters and checklists to assist businesses as we move through the stages of reopening.
The Dana Point Chamber of Commerce has a great list of our local restaurants offering take-out and delivery. Click here.
County: Efforts to discuss the criteria to reopen Orange County with the State are underway. Orange County, and other urban counties such as Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego counties sent this letter to Governor Newsom requesting a meeting to identify strategies for achieving a safe, reasonable, and sustainable reopening of our economy in coordination with the State.
Many Orange County residents have been staying home and saving lives since the start of California’s stay-at-home order. These efforts have allowed the state to move forward on the roadmap for modifying the statewide order. We are now moving into Stage 2, where some lower-risk workplaces can gradually open with adaptations. For a list of what is and what is not permitted view the The Resilience Roadmap OC.
4 new sites have been added to the OC COVID-19 Testing Network, which offers PCR testing that identifies if a person is currently infected. If you are symptomatic and cannot get tested through your doctor or do not have insurance, please visit www.ochealthinfo.com/covidtest to schedule an appointment.
The County of Orange is reporting COVID-19 cases by city. The information can be found here.Call OC Health Care Agency Health Referral Line 1(833)426-6411 for inquiries related to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Orange County, California.
State:Yesterday Governor Newsom revised the California budget down $203 billion. The State is recording record job losses and suffering deep economic consequences as a result of COVID-19. A summary of the revised budget can be found here.
The State has ramped up COVID-19 testing and is planning to work with pharmacists to collect test specimens and order tests. Read more about it here.Governor Newsom signed an Executive Order that extends deadlines impacted by COVID-19. Read about it here.
In light of stay-at-home and physical distancing orders due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order to address upcoming local elections. A copy of the Governor’s executive order can be found here.Governor Newsom released new guidelines for businesses. An updated CA Resilience Roadmap and industry specific guidance can be found here. While the move into Stage 2 is gradual according to the Governor, there is the ability for local counties to move further into Stage 2 with plans certified by County Health Officers and the Board of Supervisors. The “Readiness Criteria” presented by the Governor to qualify a county to move forward can be found here.
Federal: House democrats unveiled a $3 trillion bill, dubbed the “HEROS Act” to respond to the coronavirus pandemic.
The CDC has released Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools, and Homes. That information can be found here. There is also guidance related to travel here.Services and Resources Directory is now housed on the COVID-19 page on the City’s website. New services and resources will be shared in this update, then moved over to the City’s COVID-19 webpage. You can access that information here.
City of Dana Point, May 15, 2020, Media Release