Dana Point Community Update
May 27
City: City Hall has now reopened to the public, Monday through Friday, with modifications. Walk-ins from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon, and by appointment from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (call 248-3500). The City has initiated a number of protocols, procedures, and guidelines to ensure a safe and healthy workplace for employees and the public, and to reduce the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in the workplace. These protocols include mandatory face coverings and temperature screenings for both City staff and members of the public before receiving in-person services at City Hall. Read more about it here.
The City of Dana Point has a new temporary permit for local restaurants to help them establish a safe, clean environment for workers and customers in compliance with the State’s COVID-19 guidance for business. The intent of this temporary permit is to enable businesses to reopen with the ability to modify operations but to also ensure compatibility with the community. Specifically, the temporary outdoor operating permit allows for outdoor seating on private property, in a private parking area, and/or in public right-of-way. More information about this program can be found here.
Doheny State Beach, Strands Beach, Salt Creek Beach and Baby Beach have opened 50% of their parking area. Beach usage is limited to active recreation only. For updated information on beach hours, active use provisions and beach parking in Dana Point, please click here.
County: The Board of Supervisors met yesterday and approved $75 million in federal stimulus aid to be distributed to small businesses, more details to come. They also voted to deem religious institutions as essential.
Last Saturday the State of California approved the County of Orange’s plan to accelerate local businesses into Stage Two. The County was able to successfully demonstrate that Orange County meets the State’s required metrics as outlined in the California Resiliency Roadmap. In tandem with the announcement, the Orange County Health Officer issued a new order that requires residents and visitors to wear a face covering in public. More guidance on face coverings can be found here.
The County is asking businesses to publicly post written compliance with the health order and has offered a series of webinars to answer questions related to reopening. Learn about the webinars here.
In partnership with 3D Event Designer, the County of Orange is launching the Back2Business Initiative program to help local small businesses impacted by COVID-19 safely reopen by meeting local, state and federal social distancing guidelines.3D Event Designer will be hosting free live webinars over the next two weeks to teach businesses how to use the floor plan software. The first live webinar will take place this Thursday, May 28, 2020, beginning at 9 a.m. PST. Eligible businesses interested in participating can now register for their preferred date here. To be eligible, businesses must be in Orange County and have 500 employees or less.
The County has free COVID-19 testing for asymptomatic and symptomatic essential workers. Please visit lhi.care/covidtesting or call 1 (888) 634-1123 to schedule an appointment.
The OC COVID-19 Testing Network offers PCR testing that identifies if a person is currently infected. If you are symptomatic and cannot get tested through your doctor or do not have insurance, please visit www.ochealthinfo.com/covidtest to schedule an appointment.
The County of Orange is reporting COVID-19 cases by city. The information can be found here.Call OC Health Care Agency Health Referral Line 1(833) 426-6411 for inquiries related to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Orange County.
State: Governor Newsom released guidance for places of worship and has authorized barber shops and hair salons to open in counties who achieved accelerated opening, such as Orange County. Guidance for hair salons and barber shops can be found here.
The State launched California Connected – California’s Contact Tracing Program and Public Awareness Campaign. More about this campaign can be found here.
The State has ramped up COVID-19 testing and is planning to work with pharmacists to collect test specimens and order tests. Read more about it here.
Federal: The $3 trillion bill, dubbed the “HEROS Act” to respond to the coronavirus pandemic was passed by the House of Representatives and is currently being considered by the Senate.
The CDC has released Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools, and Homes. That information can be found here. There is also guidance related to travel here.
Services and Resources Directory is now housed on the COVID-19 page on the City’s website. New services and resources will be shared in this update, then moved over to the City’s COVID-19 webpage. You can access that information here.
City of Dana Point, May 27, 2020, Media Release